Saturday 23 April 2011

The beast

driving the scirocco makes te Newport life go round

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I totally

have the best friends.
I received this text after about 3 hours of hardcore HR training. Best cure

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Best texts

are the unexpected photos! Thanks blackwell :)

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Friday 22 April 2011

I heart Tim day

hardcore curry skills!

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So hey!

so I haven't blogged since I started my new job. I have never been sooo busy!
I have the weekend off starting NOW! Marianna and kask have met me from work. Quick peroni before we drive back to Newport

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Sunday 17 April 2011


No one in newport recognises this book! This is how I learnt to cross the road!!

Last moments in Leicester

were spent with my best in the gym at stupid o clock and a croques breakfast by the fountain. I like how it ended

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