So I love my apartment BUT I love the views even more.From one of my bedroom windows and the lounge you can see
the most ridiculous muscle gym.
Aaaall day long HUGE dudes just walk in and out. and I
mean huge!
This is why I spend 80% of my time sat on my windowsill
just watching them.
(I don't actually find massive dudes attractive
their just incredibly interesting to watch.
their waddle instead of their walk for example
is one reason)
HOWEVER! The view from my second bedroom window
is possible THE most irritating view I could have
dreamt of having.
Its a car park.
This may not seem that bad at first. Until you just want
to quickly change and then realise about 10 people
going into their cars can see you in your pants.
and then at night when you shut your lights off
only for your room to be light up like you have a huge
torche shining through your window.
This again tricks you about 5 in the morning
when you wake up panicking thinking its about 11.