Ugly Duckling - journey to anywhere
Aerogramme - A story in white
Roots Manuva - Run Come save me (although if I'm honest I only
ever really listening to Witness (1 Hope)
Q tip - Amplified
All the real girls (This film had THE most amazing
on screen kiss I have ever seen...and I don't mean it
in a pervy way I mean it in the heart melting
sweet that will never happen to me type of way)
Nick and Norah's infinite playlist (This had the
most disgusting scene I have ever ever ever experienced.
You know how much I hate vomit, well this took it to
the next level)
Rocket Science (Yet to watch it)
EAT PRAY LOVE. this is my Love Film rental for the week
and I am also yet to watch this. I'm planning to wake up
early Saturday morning before I run away to London and
watch a bit of the Roberts.