Saturday, 23 October 2010

Shut eye in Sams Laundry


Supporting local bands since 1985

Sam's lampshade = good background


(Click the title Punks)

Hello Beautiful


Hello Track 4 I think I love you
...oh and track 8 too apparently

Sam's parents rock my world

I just came home to this lovely package from Sams
ma and Pa.....Not so stoked about the E.T card : (
Sam let it slip how terrified I am of the extra
terrestrial and of course when you find that out you
present her with his face stuck to her kitchen


These crazy colourful noodles are courtesy of Sam


If I was a toaster I'd be this one


Friday, 22 October 2010

Friday Nights

I'm always a bit stuck for something to do on a Friday night.
Mostly because I work on Saturdays and a lot of fun things
involve wine and late nights.
So usually friday nights involve a night in with good
I AM SUPER EXCITED about this new program 'The Event'
starting tonight....So now on my friday nights can also
involve this....thats if it lives up to my expectations.


Moroccan Food

I've been trying to find some more recipies and I
really want to try and make this:


My Favourite food to cook and eat is Moroccan food.
I havent cooked it for ages though. This makes me a
bit sad.
Marianna bought me a Tagine for my 24th birthday
and its still unused!
I have lamb in the freezer ready and It will get
used soon! Maybe on Tim Days next visit?

Ree Today

IMG_0369 copy

1. Aussie Volumising shampoo really does work!
2. I bought the cheapest iphone cover from ebay.
if you see it up close the dots are hilarious
3. Not my jumper....mmmm cashmere
4. beige socks go with everything
5. my favourite broach bought with Marianna in the
pumping station. It is now missing two spokes
uh I dont really know what they are called
6. cheesy dim toothed smile
7. the dirtiest hand ever after being in the stock
room all afternoon
8. a zip up shirt I forgot I owned
9. red laces in red DM's

Pie in a box

My area manager took me to Urban Pie for lunch today


how could you?!

Rhys walked past this earlier and didn't buy one!


Thursday, 21 October 2010

Tea that is green

I don't really rate green tea but I have been drinking
sooo much coffee that I decided I needed to drink a
hot drink that is actually good for me.
Twinings selection box it is! It's sort of like
the tea version of a quality street tin.


So far I have tried citrus flavour which reminded
me of lemsip, grapefruit and pineapple which was
also sort of odd. I am currently drinking
cranberry green tea. Weirdly I like this and I
don't usually enjoy cranberry flavoured stuff.




evening in a blanket

Sam is spending this week next at the seaside so I'm
all on my lonesome in the flat.....
So this evening I am curled up in my blanket reading.
I have always wanted to read 1984 so Ben bought it for
me but unfortunately I kept on getting distracted and
never finished it.


This is going to change.

Good health is hard work

So since I've moved up here I've been making a real
effort to be healthy. One reason is for my self esteem
and the other is to have a healthy body inside and
Recently I have seen what happens to you when you don't
look after yourself and I want to do what I can to
prevent this.
The healthy eating is pretty good, I don't drink a glass
of wine everyday now! and I've almost conquered the


but......the gym

I don't look forward to going and I don't enjoy it while
I'm there plus I feel rank afterwards......Its really
starting to bug me that nothing really seems to be changing
in the way that I would like it to.
Looks like I'm going to have to make friends with my pot belly
and bingo wings :)

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

My not so healthy salad



So I've always owned an address book. Its sort of
tradition to be given one for christmas.
This is the first year that I am actively using one


This is Toli


Furniture arranging

The cats are doing are heads in fighting so we
did some research and we are trying EVERYTHING
to make them chill out.
One of the recommendations was to arrange your
furniture in a way that gives them separate
territory. So from now on this is the new
sofa background!

Photo on 2010-10-20 at 16.50 #4

Does this mean I can start making mince pies?




view copy

*she adds to her wish list*


Finally finished it!

8 out 10...It was slightly far fetched at times but
it was pretty much based around nasa so I forgave it


I can't spell Wednesday

Day off! So far I have Cleaned, washed some clothes,
changed my sheets from teal gingham to blue flowers.
umm eaten a bowl of cereal, got up to the i's in my
copying cds to mac mission, gone food shopping, eaten
a penguin bar and drunk green tea, listened to more
caspian and a little bit of intronaut, written some
letters and some blogs, forgotten to post my letters,
done boring financial stuff, been called a goth
and probably bored you with it all!

I'm going to watch one of these now


2 girls and 2 boys

Spent an evening together




I love her

and not just because she bought me this pot



I haven't had a chance to listen to this Caspian record
properly until this week....its all I've been listening to.


I eat boring food

I tried actual coconut for the first time this week.
Its kinda weird but I liked it


Sunday, 17 October 2010

So right now I'm wishing

That I was a minimalist person....these are amazing!
but would look ridiculous in my room


The word Hosiery sounds so unsexy

So hopefully I should be getting some commission this
month and I think I deserve to treat myself......
My legs are going to find a new home inside some
Henry Holland tights



Cinematic Orchestra

I absolutely adore the music they make. It has made
me smile deliriously and cry like an idiot on many
They are definitely in my top 5 live experiences and
I want to see them again...soon please!


New Listens

I am so bored of listening to the saaaaame music on my
ipod so today I am attempting to upload EVERY single
record I own onto my computer.....I've been doing it for
hours and I havent even finish the C's yet




I iz sleeping hard


(Lindsey and Dave recognise the blanket???)

Turn my business brain on

So I've had a retail dream in the back of my head for
a couple of years and just never thought it was achievable
so never thought seriously about it....

I told someone about it yesterday and they made me
realise that it actually was....
So I'm making a plan :)


Think brain. Think brain. Think brain.

The hooded cape

is pretty unreachable :(


I would travel back to the 80's

Just for this hermes cape

Hermes snap cape in mohair with hood front

Hermes snap cape in mohair with hood  side2

Lesbian moment

When I was 16 I adored this woman to the point of
obsession. Its less of an obsession now and more of
a crush.


Its a shame that she doesn't show her bum in her
videos anymore