Thursday, 23 June 2011

My girl would pay

Serious bucks to be sat on that table


Mad cute



The Spaniard

This dude made our evening


Debut of the transports

I have had these boots for a fair while now....they finally made their first trip into the real world last night.

They are the hardest leather I have ever tried to walk in. Worse than DMs leather!

Midnight at the oasis

Last nights 'casual couple of drinks' turned
Into the MOST random evening helped along by some crazy dudes from anywhere but here.
There was Mexican beer, Belguim beer, Dutch beer, American rum, Cuban rum, crazy French dude that then turned Spanish moaning to us about his gf, Australian dude calling me abbey, northern dude trying to help us out, cooshti roof dudes watching their own dude skate down park street at scary mph and some freaky ass toilets.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

It's lebowski time!

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Finally got my roll on

It's only taken me 10 years to learn

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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

stolen from Kask

My weekend

Is going to be filled with eyehategod and battles
cannot wait!



Buy me

A White deer head please thank you :)

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Old habits....die

I have always been the one to go to bed first especially
if I have work the next day.....for some reason I am starting
to lose this clock watching habit. All the best things happen
when you're awake right?

At 1am this morning (when I had to get up in 5 hours)
I was listening to this song over and over.



Why did I walk into HMV and why did I then walk into
a newsagents straight afterwards......instead of drinking
at the shows this weekend I will be reading my magazines.

Photo on 2011-06-21 at 18.01 #5

Photo on 2011-06-21 at 18.02 #4

Photo on 2011-06-21 at 18.16 #2

Photo on 2011-06-21 at 18.16 #3

DVD's: Rec 2 and New York I love you
Magazines: Wonderland, I-D and an annoyingly large
issue of Tank. Why do they do it! It is now going to
have to sit with my other ridiculously large RINGBOUND
issue on tank on my stool...........don't they know people
like to archive!

Well done A|Wear

Nude, Sheer, Crochet, buttons = something fun to wear to work!


I'm feeling my Brody Dalle

Obsession re-rising it self today.


One day I WILL be her

Monday, 20 June 2011

Summer in Winter

Stalley has made Gill Scott Heron's 'winter in American' into
Bristol's bbq soundtrack


Me & Zena

I have totally fallen in love with yet ANOTHER novelty jewellery
designer: Me & Zena and its totally Ree's purse friendly!


NL-LHS-GA 231x297



(The link is the title yep!)

Best week

Hella eats