Woo hoo my first proper night out in Leicester!
5 different places / super fly / rubbish lipstick /
how do giraffes snap their necks? / Cocktails / a
shit load of rum / A greek in Turkey / piggy backs /
you won't be super dry when we get to super fly /
taking coats home and ending up dancing, drinking
and forcing marianna to put a top on / living
seconds away from EVERYWHERE! / Sore dirty feet /
Sophbeck? / dancing dancing and more dancing /
going out for a cigarette and it being daylight
outside / sleeping till the afternoon / The BEST times!
Even the Day after the night before was pure class!
We went to see sex and the city / had a cup of tea
and a cigarette outside cafe rougue before finding
somewhere to eat / stumbled across a gastropub
which happened to have a live jazz band playing /
eating disgustingly rad food / the best brownies
of our lifetimes / The BEST times!